Ah gotta love throwbacks to 70's exploitation flicks. Usually a hit and a miss, but when they hit. They really hit. To watch this film and appreciate it, you have to go into it, turning off your brain and knowing the film for what it is. You expect anything more, and you will be sorely disappointed. You expect cheese, you get cheese.
Unlike, say Black Dynamite, this film isn't too tongue in cheek, as it still ultimately wants to tell a story. And where as the former film fails with being too obviously ridiculous, this film is made with definitive love of the genre and wants to tell the best tale it can within the confines.
It's not a great film. It is fun though. Definitely something you and a group of friends can throw on, and appreciate together over laughs and groans.
The Good: Unabashed with cheesy violence (not torture porn for those of you quick to label everything as such, and not even ultra-violence ala Clockwork Orange) but there is still violence a plenty. And nudity, but you almost have to laugh at the ridiculousness of the situations. Seeing all the big names in such a ridiculous show only heightens the spectacle.
The Bad: Too clena of a film at times. It's best when it hearkens back to the 70's gritty film techniques, whereas a few times it is too polished.
Final Thoughts: Machete (the man not the film) is the ultimate badass. He can be beaten but he can't be killed. I wouldn't be surprised if we actually did see the faux sequels to this, actually get made.
Add to the vault: Ha ha not likely. It's a great film if you have a group of buddies around and want some mindless entertainment, but the repeat value is not entirely there. I doubt this will be remembered in 5 years let alone 30 years later, like some of the classic 70s films these newer flicks pay homage to.
If you aren't entirely certain if this film is for you, here is the red band trailer: (WARNING: NOT FOR UNDER 18 or FAINT OF HEART!!! DON'T SAY I DIDN'T WARN YOU!!!)