Welcome ladies and gentlemen. Created for your viewing pleasure is this humble attempt at site devoted to reviewing movies. I have created this blog to not only review movies but share my thoughts on them and see if they deserve to be etched into the walls of the mausoleum to be honoured and remembered for the gems they are. Or if they should be cremated and tossed into the wind.
I'll take recommendations and I will review any and all movies as they come my way. There are no stipulations (aside from porn) on which films I will review. I do ask that in the remote chance of being bombarded by a million some odd movies, that you be patient until I get to your movie. Unfortunately at this point in time I do still have a day job.
A little about me, you ask? Well I have a degree in Drama with a minor in Film and Media Studies but compared to the Eberts, the Knowles and the thousands of other movie reviewers out there, my credentials end there. However, this will hopefully prove to be a labour of love and endure the test of time like all good crypts.
Will this be a horror themed review site? Nope, though I do appreciate horror movies, all genres are welcome.
I hope you enjoy the reviews, I welcome any and all feedback. I encourage debates in the comments section provided we can all be civil.
Well that's enough for now. Enough chit chat and get to the movies already, right? So without further adieu, onto the reviews...