Friday, January 13, 2012

Movies Watched So Far In 2012

So happy new year and stuff....countdown to the apocalypse and all that. What better way to welcome the zombie hordes than by a movie list countdown (or is it up?)

  1. The King's Speech
  2. The Help
  3. Hobo With a Shotgun
  4. The Warrior's Way
  5. The Resident
  7. Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale
Updated to April 12, 2012.

So once again I have been negligent on the reviews. Here is a longer list of the films I can remember watching, and if any of the readers out there (all two of you) want actual reviews, let me know.

  1. Attack the Block
  2. Paul
  3. Barnie's Version
  4. Hunger Games
  5. The Dark Crystal
  6. Trollhunter
  7. The Rite
  8. The Switch
  9. Operation End Game
  10. Red Riding Hood (sorta)
  11. Clash of the Titans
  12. Indiana Jones:  Raiders of the Lost Ark
  13. Indiana Jones: The Temple of Doom
  14. Indiana Jones: Last Crusade
  15. The American
  16. 30 Minutes or Less
I am sure there are more that I am just not recalling, but that more or less brings us up to speed.