Friday, January 7, 2011

Black Dynamite (2009)

Black Dynamite (2009)

What in hell was I thinking with this crap. I know, I know. I am probably not the target audience. But I can enjoy 70's exploitation flicks as much as anyone else. This film is obviously riding the coattails of other grindhouse flicks that started making a resurgence thanks (for nothing) to Quentin Tarantino.

This flick follows the adventures of Black Dynamite, a protagonist who refers to himself in 3rd person, as he goes the ridiculous motions of avenging his brother's death, getting smack off the streets and fighting "the man". It's filled with sexism, racism, cornball antics and jokes. It's trying so hard to be funny, tongue-in-cheek, and such that it's more irritating than anything else.

My problem with grindhouse flicks are not that they are a guilty pleasure for some, but that they are made at all. I actually do love the ridiculous trailers that are made for these films but that doesn't mean I want to actually want to see a film of the same caliber.

It's tough to review. Unless I was back in university and drinking with a bunch of friends, I can't see why anyone would actually make time to watch this drek.

The good: Michael Jai White, was obviously inspired in wanting to do this flick. He's never been a terribly good actor but he does badass well. Even though he's wasted in this drivel.

The bad: The rest.

Final Thoughts: There are undoubtedly blaxploitation or grindhouse enthusiasts out there that may not agree with my sentiments, and by all means, I applaud you. Shine on you crazy diamonds. But this film, in my humble opinion.... sucked.

Add to the Vault:  Maybe if I grew up in the 70's I would feel differently, but no. Not ever.

Here is the trailer for Black Dynamite, which I assure is 100 times better than the actual film... which still isn't saying much.


  1. Lon really liked this movie and got me to watch it with him. Well, I tried... for about 5 minutes. After him laughing hysterically and me sitting stone-faced (not because I was trying to be an asshole, it just WASN'T FUNNY), we ended up turning it off. I forget what we watched instead, but I'm sure it was something infinitely more intelligent. Like Jersey Shore. God, I hated this movie...

  2. I respect Lon, but part of me can't help but wonder if some folks find it funny because we've been inundated by counter-culture trends to think stuff is better than it is. The cultish trends of the internet tell me that grindhouse flicks are supposed to be hilariously bad, therefore they must be good.

    I dunno, I'm with you though. This movie sucked. Tell Lon I still love him though! ha ha.
